Benefits of Ginger

 Benefits of Ginger.It is a digestive tract of Maqwi Bah. It is used in stomach diseases. Maqwi Bah is used in potions.  Strengthens memory and mind. It is the best medicine especially for phlegmatic people.Ginger Ginger is also a million and kills stomach worms by killing. It is useful in flatulence, abdominal pain, visual ad etc Sanamiki corrects bad and other convulsive drugs  

Its jam is useful for improving the stomach and is very useful especially in stomach pain. If I have diarrhea due to intestinal and stomach secretions, it stops the diarrhea by causing constipation.Rheumatoid pains, such as arthritis, paralysis, back pain, back pain, are immediately beneficial if massaged externally in oil or mixed with other medicines.  By applying Sarma in the eyes, the net, puffiness, and fog are cleared. Remove 10 winds

The use of ginger is very beneficial. Therefore, sensible people use more ginger in cabbage or vegetables .Cold cough is relieved by using ginger mixed with honey. If a patient with paralysis keeps sucking ginger jam and nutmeg, he will recover quickly from paralysis. Dropping a few drops of ginger water in the ear for ear pain gives instant relief. Ginger gives strength to the kidneys and bladder. It is useful to eat raw ginger after eating half a tola in the case of stomach ache i.e. Hatescernia. The use of ginger in asthma and cough is extremely useful.

 To remove tartar from the teeth, it is very useful to fry one tola of ginger in ghee and mix three mashas of salt on the teeth. It is very beneficial to make dry ginger (i.e. Sonth) and feed it along with butter milk two or three times a day in the case of Singer Honey disease. It is beneficial to feed Zanjeel or Zanjeel ointment with a spoonful of water in the morning and evening in women's diseases of the uterus.It is good. Eating ginger before eating cleans the throat and tongue.

In case of stomach ache, if you coat ginger and mix it with flour, make bread and feed it, it is very beneficial. And the disease does not repeat. In case of cold, drinking ginger tea gives instant relief Mixing ginger juice and milk and smelling it relieves headache 

Licking the juice of ginger, juice of tulsi leaves, honey and ash of prune moons prevents vomiting. 

Indigestion caused by bile is cured by drinking lemon juice mixed with ginger juice. Eating ginger triphala (ie equal weight of raw lamb, amla) and jaggery removes jaundice. In order to remove the pain of rheumatic pain, if ginger juice is mixed with celery and applied on the affected part,

 it is very beneficial. In gum disease, especially in case of swelling, a piece of ginger is pressed under the tooth and pressing on the inner side gives immediate relief.It is discharged and the pain etc. is cured. Ginger is extremely useful in both food and medicine to remove phlegm. In the case of children's cough, giving them ginger juice mixed with honey will stop the cough. For physical strength, it is beneficial to fry ginger in ghee and mix it with sugar and make a teaspoon of fennel and use it daily. Its use causes hunger for anger Ginger jam is a cure for many diseases. 

The recipe for making jam is as follows. Peel half a kilo of thick ginger without fiber and cut it into long slices. Boil them in salted water. And put half a kilo of sugar in a warm syrup made separately, then heat until it thickens, just keep the jam. Store it in a sugar jar or a glass jar and use it as needed. Bring it in. 

Remember not to use a wet spoon while taking out the jam, otherwise it will be jamThere is a possibility of getting damaged. To remove nails and acne, three tolas of cumin seeds, three tolas of black pepper, one and a half tolas of dry mint, three tolas of all these medicines and make a poultice, then use this poultice twice a day with water.By using ginger shells and pistachios along with the weight, the power of the wind increases enormously.

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